26 de outubro de 2008

Actividades fora da sala de aula - Relatório OFSTED

Ofsted report: Learning outside the classroom

An Ofsted report (02/10/08) reveals that pupils' participation and achievement can benefit significantly from getting involved with activities outside the classroom — but not all schools and colleges are reaping the full benefits because some do not incorporate many off-site experiences into the curriculum.

Learning outside the classroom: how far should you go? is the latest report from the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted). In the sample of schools visited, it found that well-planned activities not only enhance pupils' learning, but can also re-engage those who are hard to motivate.

Read or download the full report.


  • The DCSF should reinforce the message to schools about the value of learning outside the classroom and support its appropriate use more widely across its programmes.
  • Local authorities and their partners should build on their successful work in assuring appropriate health and safety practices by better supporting and encouraging schools in enhancing the quality of learning outside the classroom as a method of raising achievement.
  • Schools and colleges should ensure their curriculum planning includes sufficient well-structured opportunities for all learners to engage in learning outside the classroom as a key, integrated element of their experience. They should evaluate the quality of learning outside the classroom to ensure that it has maximum impact on learners' achievement, personal development and well-being; and ensure equal and full access for all learners to learning outside the classroom by monitoring participation in activities by different groups of learners, removing any barriers.
Fonte: Teachernet.

Ofsted é o equivalente inglês à Inspecção Geral da Educação. Atente-se pois nas diferenças de preocupações entre os dois organismos: enquanto em Portugal, a acção se centra na vertente disciplinar, na avaliação das escolas e no controlo administrativo relativo ao número de turmas, horários docentes e outros, em Inglaterra, os serviços da inspecção emitem relatórios acerca das condições pedagógicas das escolas, intervindo ao nível da didáctica específica das diferentes disciplinas.

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